Sunday, August 30, 2015

2.5 hrs. on the tanks.  Riveting forming holes and installing the fuel cap.  Tried installing the fuel drain...

Bob Zaleski suggested scuffing/sanding the fuel tank rings (especially the inner surface) and cap, so that it will be secure (thanks Bob!), because the only thing holding in the fuel cap itself is sealant.  I used sandpaper and that was way more effective than just ScotchBrite.  Then all the parts were thoroughly cleaned with MEK.

Mixing up yet another batch of sealant...

And we've begun!  Messy!

All riveted.  Big mess..

Even messier inside...  I'll be covering much of this (and the rest of the tank's seams) with the Class A brush-able sealant.  So, it will look much neater by the time I'm done.

The miracle of MEK for cleaning up sealant!  Perfecto!! :-)

Hmmm.... The instructions say to use 6 x 4mm sealed rivets for the fuel drain, but that's wrong on 2 counts.  4mm doesn't fit in the holes (and they're 10mm long, not 6) and the 3.2 x 8 isn't long enough.  I tried riveting in the 3.2 x 8's and it didn't grab the skin - just fell out into my hand...  Grr...

Perhaps they need to be reamed out to fit the 4's?

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