Friday, October 23, 2015

1 hr retrieving, peeling the plastic off and cleaning of the right wing top skins.

The fuselage sub-kit arrived yesterday!!  Very excited.  But, it was quickly apparent that I need to put in a few hours this weekend doing a major overhaul of organization to the left side of my garage.  All the junk has to come out and I need to put up some full length shelving to store not just the fuselage parts, but the wings.  Off to Home Depot tomorrow to buy wood, shelving brackets and angle irons.  It will need to be super strong to support the wings...  I'll over-design it for sure...

Meanwhile I still want to make progress on the right wing.  Pulled off the plastic and cleaned them tonight.  Tomorrow I will deburr and prime and then cleco them to the wing structure.

  1. Deburr and prime the right wing top skins.
  2. Cleco to structure.

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