Saturday, October 24, 2015

2 hrs. priming the top skins and starting to cleco them in place for the test fit.  Also started construction of the shelves that will hold the wings and fuselage parts.

Need to fiddle with the step ribs top skin (just a slight adjustment), but other than that they fit well.  Next I'll cleco together the fuel tank back channel and Z-sections and test fit it on the wing.  I may need to remove the top skin there to more easily get to the bolts that connect the tank to the spar.  After that's on I want to check the leading edge all the way across for straightness.  Also check along the top of the wing.

Building the shelving.  Needs to be secure...

  1. Finish construction of shelving.
  2. Fix the step rib skin.
  3. Cleco together the fuel tank back channel and test fit to spar.

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