Tuesday, October 27, 2015

2 hrs. over the last two days adjusting the top wing skins (the step section only) and test fitting the fuel tank.

Checking the flatness of the top.  Looks excellent!

Took awhile to get the tank to go on.  It kept getting hooked up on the skins.  The fuel tank skins need to go outside the wing skins and I had to make sure that was happening on the top and bottom while sliding it on.  Also the second connector in from this side is cleco'ed in place for now, but it was preventing the tank from going all the way on, so I switched the cleco's to be from the other side of the connector and all was better.

Are the skins of the leading edges supposed to meet like this?  Hmmm....

  1. Never got to work on the shelving, so I must make progress on that in order to get things cleared out in the garage and better organized (am I obsessively organized?).
  2. Need to check on access to the bolts that connect into the Z-sections (connectors) of the fuel tank.
  3. Seal the tank!

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