Sunday, November 22, 2015

1 hr (lots of home-related chores taking up a lot of time these days...) testing the fuel tank - and more successfully this time!

Deflategate!  This first attempt was a clear failure...

I put another balloon on and put just 3 tie-wraps around it because I thought it was leaking around there with all the tie-wraps I had put there in the first attempt.  As soon as I blew this one up nice and big I could hear a slight hiss - but it wasn't coming from "The Contraption"!  It was coming from the other side of the tank, so I started hunting...

Found the rivet that seemed to be making the sound and put my finger on the head and it stopped!  So, I put some painter's tape over it and the balloon seemed to be staying inflated.  So, next I whipped up some dish soap and water and started painting with a brush.  Here's some of the "painting."  No leaking with those rivets.

Brush on some soapy water over the one I found leaking and this is what you get.

Found one more leaky rivet on the other side.

After finishing with all the rivets, I started all the seams and found one spot that was leaking.  See the video below for that one in action!

Also soaped up the fixtures and found one spot that was leaking around the fuel return fixture in the upper left which is just out of frame in this picture.  The trick is you have to brush the soap on and watch it for multiplying bubbles.

Here's the first leaking rivet I found:

Here's the leaking seam I found:

On an unrelated note, I was told in the builder's forum about a fuel injection kit for the Rotax 914 from a Norwegian company, EdgePerformance, that looks great.  Much better than the throttle body injection I was looking into.  Here are two docs which talk about the product:

I was also told about a big bore kit that might be interesting (I need to read more about this):

I can definitely get excited about more power, better fuel efficiency and no carb heat required!

  1.  I've decided to put off working on the left fuel tank until the right is leak-free.  So, I need to whip up some sealant and work on the leaks I found.
  2. Test the strobe sync wire to the tip (use it as a ground temporarily), so then I'll have tested all the wires in the bundle.
  3. Tie down the wire bundle. 
  4. Once all the above is done, then start the sealing of the left tank.
  5. Though... I may want to put the right wing on its shelf and start working on the left wing before doing anything with the left tank...  I really want to get started on the left wing!

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