Friday, November 20, 2015

1.5 hrs putting together the fuel tank test contraption..  and test fit of the left tank ribs.

Got my 1/4" inner diameter rubber tubing.  That's too soft to tie a balloon to, so I inserted a harder plastic tube in that to wrap the balloon around.

Here's the whole contraption...

Blew it up with the right end, which pressurizes the tank and then blows up the balloon...  The clip on the right seems leaky so I'm guessing it will not hold the air overnight.  What I don't want to do is debug leaks of my contraption, when the goal is to test the tank.  If I can't quickly resolve the contraption air loss issue I will just pressurize the tank and do the soapy water test on all the rivets and fixtures (which I'll do in any case).

Taped over the fill cap and...


Cleco'ed together the left tank!  Hoping to do the sealing (oh joy!!) of that on Sunday.

  1. See if the contraption is working (probably not).  If not and I can't quickly fix that, it's time for Plan B.
  2. Sealant for all the ribs and stringers of the left tank.

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