Friday, December 4, 2015

1.5 hrs doing a second test of the right fuel tank and bending the drain tube for the left tank.

Both rivet leaks are fixed!  Here's one of the previously leaking rivets (to the left of the Sharpie marks).  The seam leak is also fixed (see the video below).

But the fuel return fixture leak is still there!  I'll have to buy some Loctite 290 to try and fix that.

Checking the seams for leaks.

The balloon stays inflated despite the fixture leak.

Starting to bend the drain tube for the left tank.  I'll admit this task stresses me out because it's easy to ruin the tube by making the wrong bends.  Also, making several tight bends closely spaced is tricky...  The first bend is the easiest one..:

For that I used this tool.

First bend.

Second bend ended up just looking like an extension of the first one.  Not really what I intended...

To get subsequent bends it was easier to use the special tube bending springs.  Still hard to do...

Getting closer...

And it's through.  I'd like to tighten the last bend to straighten it out as it exits, but that's harder than it looks.  Will also need to shorten it to match how much sticks out on the right tank.


  1. Finish the drain tube and connect.
  2. Seal the fuel tank cap in place (some grinding down will be necessary to get a flush fit).  Fuel drain is en-route (I ruined the one I had for this tank), so when that arrives that also must be sealed in place.
  3. Put in drain fixture in left tank as I received it today.
  4. Apply the more liquid sealant (some spots it may make more sense to use the thicker sealant because the liquidy version can drip) to all internal seams and rivet heads.
  5. When I get the Loctite 290 seal the fixture and retest when set.
  6. Right wing down and start on the left wing!! 

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