Saturday, December 5, 2015

.5 hrs re-bending the left tank's drain tube.

This is what it was.  Really needed tweaking to get the angles right.

It dawned on me that it made more sense to work backwards from what I wanted at the end, which was for the tube to come out roughly perpendicular to the skin.  From that figure out what bends had to happen to work back to the fixture.

Of course, it wasn't simple...  Several bend attempts didn't result in what I thought would happen.  This picture shows how I was doing the bends (and un-bends...).  Use the tube bending spring whenever bending tubing otherwise you run the risk of crimping the tube.

After close to 30 minutes of bending, unbending and rechecking the fit...  I got this and I'm happy about it.

For good measure, here's Crosby. ;-)

  1. Seal the fuel tank cap in place (some grinding down will be necessary to get a flush fit).
  2. Put in drain fixture in left tank.
  3. Apply the more liquid sealant (some spots it may make more sense to use the thicker sealant because the liquidy version can drip) to all internal seams and rivet heads.
  4. When I get the Loctite 290 seal the fixture and retest when set.
  5. Right wing down and start on the left wing!! 

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