Sunday, April 3, 2016

1 hr. putting on the flap and aileron to check alignment.  Found the same thing that Peter found.

They fit...

...But don't quite line up.  I've asked Peter what he did exactly to fix this.

Got out my epoxy materials for filing the various places that need it: tip to wing and fuel tank to outer leading edge.   Not going to do this until I can open the garage door (hopefully early this week).

These pumps will meter out the right proportions of resin and hardener (I have Group A sizes).

  1. Rivet the one on the step rib that needs special handling.  OK, I've been putting this off..
  2. Composite filler for join between wing tip and skins. Perhaps other seams can use some filler?  Will do this on a day I can open the garage door.
  3. Re-rivet some of the aileron to get it to line up with the flap.
  4. Mount light when the screws arrive.
  5. Finish right wing.
  6. Finally finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  7. Fill rivets of elevator with Bondo.

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