Monday, April 4, 2016

2 hrs. starting to look at the aileron twist process and installing the other tip light mounting plate.

Got info from Peter on how to twist the aileron to align the trailing edges, but since it's involved I thought it was prudent to check with the factory first before starting to de-rivet lots of rivets.  The right end of the aileron trailing edge needs to come down 13mm.

So, while I await an answer I decided to use the time to work on the other tip.  This tip's styrofoam insert proved to be more difficult to remove.  Had to resort to using a small hack saw to cut through fiberglass that was up against the inside of the styrofoam.

I didn't like the 2nd mounting plate I had made a few days ago so I decided to make another one.  This one came out perfect.

Measure twice....

And the plate is installed!

Nice!  Just waiting for screws to arrive.

  1. Rivet the one on the step rib that needs special handling.  OK, I've been putting this off..
  2. Composite filler for join between wing tip and skins. Perhaps other seams can use some filler?  Will do this on a day I can open the garage door.
  3. Re-rivet some of the aileron to get it to line up with the flap.
  4. Mount light when the screws arrive.
  5. Finish right wing.
  6. Finally finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  7. Fill rivets of elevator with Bondo.

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