Sunday, April 10, 2016

1 hr. applying the epoxy resin filler.

Wear a mask when using this stuff...  One pump from the resin (105) and one pump from the hardener (206).  Mix for a minute then slowly add in filler.... It took a lot more filler than I thought it would to get it to peanut butter consistency, which is what you want for making fillets.  Just keep adding about a tablespoon at a time until you get there.

At this point, never having done this before, I have no idea what I'm doing... First I tried using a Bondo spreader to apply it, but I found it was actually easier to apply with a gloved hand's finger (had latex gloves on both hands).  So, I just spread it in the gap to try and fill it.  Whether I'm doing it right, I have no idea.  We'll find out tomorrow (or Tuesday) when I sand it down.  For all I know, I'll have to add another layer for it to be a good transition and smooth.

Front view.   How will it come out?  We'll see!

  1. Composite filler sanding.
  2. Rivet the one on the step rib that needs special handling.  OK, I've been putting this off..
  3. Finish right wing.
  4. Finally finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  5. Fill rivets of elevator with Bondo.

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