Saturday, April 9, 2016

2.5 hrs. getting the aileron right.

De-riveting the entire leading edge of the aileron is the only way to get the warp right (thanks PeterC for the extra push!)...  After I did that I clamped down the right edge.  When you move the left trailing edge up you can see how the holes move.

Moved the left trailing edge up and riveted a middle hole (after drilling and reaming it) on the leading edge.  Rechecked against the wing tip... And I had over-done it by 3 or 4mm....  Ugh.  I removed that rivet, clamped down the left edge as that seemed to be how much I was off now and re-riveted a nearby hole (again, after drilling and reaming it).  Bottom line, it seemed impossible to precisely calculate how much to twist it.  I estimated, that was over, so I estimated again (just using 1 rivet installed).  Trial and Error...

And the result: Absolute perfection!  Not even a millimeter off.  :-}

Another view of the beauty.  Now I just need to do the epoxy filler on the tip and leading edge/fuel tank seam and then it's DONE.  On to the shelf and let's finish off the right wing.  I'm hoping that moves much quicker.

Bonus photo: Found this photo of me in the left seat, around age 14, in 1974 at Spring Valley Airport, now a strip mall..

  1. Composite filler for join between wing tip and skins. Perhaps other seams can use some filler?
  2. Rivet the one on the step rib that needs special handling.  OK, I've been putting this off..
  3. Finish right wing.
  4. Finally finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  5. Fill rivets of elevator with Bondo.

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