Friday, April 8, 2016

3 hrs. screwing in the tip light and working on the left aileron warp...

Got the screws today (thanks BobZ!) and firmly screwed in the light.  Nice!

I've been dreading doing the aileron warping...  I drilled out a bunch of rivets (but not all the way down the leading edge (at least not yet)).  All the way down the top of the left-most rib though since that area needs to move the most.

Pulled up the top skin as much as possible and drilled a new (larger) hole.

Put in a new rivet there and also halfway down the rib (after moving that hole toward the leading edge as possible).  Note the bulge in the skin now along the leading edge due to the shift of the skin.   Measuring on the wing it's been improved about 4mm.  I'm hoping that as I pull it up tightly and rivet more that that will improve...  We'll see tomorrow...

  1. Rivet the one on the step rib that needs special handling.  OK, I've been putting this off..
  2. Re-rivet some of the aileron to get it to line up with the flap and wing tip.
  3. Composite filler for join between wing tip and skins. Perhaps other seams can use some filler?  Will do this on a day I can open the garage door.
  4. Mount light when the screws arrive.
  5. Finish right wing.
  6. Finally finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  7. Fill rivets of elevator with Bondo.

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