Friday, May 13, 2016

2 hrs. finishing the tip reinforcement, riveting it on and applying filler.

Trimming off the excess fiberglass.  Amazing stuff!

Trimmed and sanded.  Nice!  Way stronger now - Probably doubled the thickness.

Holes re-drilled and reamed.

Ready to rivet!


I wish I had realized to do this on the left wing...

Might as well fill the rivets while I'm doing this...

Filler applied and pulling the tape.  Nice!!  I'll sand it tomorrow and see if it needs any more.

  1. Sand filler.
  2. Issue or solution for my aileron tolerance problem? It's de-riveted, now what...?
  3. Finish filling and sanding rivets.
  4. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling (waiting to hear back from the factory on what to do with that hole).
  5. Finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  6. Fill rivets of elevator.

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