Thursday, May 12, 2016

2 hrs. de-riveting the leading edge of the right aileron and applying fiberglass inside the wing tip.

It was clear to me that I was going to have to de-rivet much of the aileron to deal with the misalignment and the tolerance issue with the rivets hitting the wing.  The whole leading edge is de-riveted and a bunch of the top rivets too, but it is not as yielding as the other aileron was, so I'm a bit flummoxed as to how it's going to twist without warping the skin (which is what it's doing).  To be contemplated...

Meanwhile I decided to test the light one more time before it goes on the wing (and I just like turning on the light ;-)).

Got the fiberglass today.

Cut a couple of strips to apply.

First strip in place and ready for epoxy resin application.

First one down and coated.

Waited a couple of hours and put down the second strip.  Very cool.  Tomorrow I'll trim it and install the tip.

  1. Composite wing tip riveted to wing.
  2. Use epoxy filler to fill between the composite top and wing.
  3. Issue or solution for my aileron tolerance problem? It's de-riveted, now what...?
  4. Finish filling and sanding rivets.
  5. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling (waiting to hear back from the factory on what to do with that hole).
  6. Finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  7. Fill rivets of elevator.

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