Wednesday, May 11, 2016

2 hrs. wiring the tip light and test fitting the aileron and flap.

In order to have the tip at the same angle as the other wing, some of the bottom holes ended up kind of close to the edge.  So, just to be sure it won't come lose I'm going to layer in some fiberglass (first time I'm doing that!).  So, I ordered some cloth and it's coming tomorrow.  Watched a bunch of YouTube videos on laying fiberglass and I think I've got it.

While I'm waiting for the fiberglass I decided to complete the tip light wiring.

This is called a "Western Union" or "lineman's" splice.  Well, close to that...  Note that I've already slipped on the heat-shrink tubing.

All soldered up!

And, using a heat gun, the heat-shrink tubing is wrapped tight.

Wiring pushed through the opening.

And the light is bolted in place!

Test fit of the aileron and flap.  Very close...  hmmm...  Maybe I can hand warp it a bit so I don't have to de-rivet the whole leading edge of the aileron?...  We'll see tomorrow.

Meanwhile...  The outer edge rivets rub up against the wing...  Does the aileron move this far down?...  Because if it does...

... it's a problem...  If it gets past the rivets it won't go back.  So, question to the factory or other Sling 4 builders/owners, does it angle this far??

  1. Fiberglass along the bottom inside edge of the tip to reinforce it.
  2. Composite wing tip riveted to wing.
  3. Use epoxy filler to fill between the composite top and wing.
  4. Issue or solution for my aileron tolerance problem?
  5. Finish filling and sanding rivets.
  6. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling (waiting to hear back from the factory on what to do with that hole).
  7. Finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  8. Fill rivets of elevator.

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