Tuesday, May 10, 2016

3 hrs. testing out a sanding method for the rivets and installing the small wing skin and composite tip.

Made a thinner template for sanding the rivet heads.  It's thin and the rivet head fits through completely so it's easy to sand.  Tried sanding it with a buffing bit on my Dremel and that worked well except it wore down very quickly, so maybe I'll try hand sanding.  Seems like there is no "quick" way to fill rivets...

Got the part yesterday.  Deburred, cleaned and primed (inside only) it.

And it's on!

Took awhile to sand down the inside trailing edge of the tip to get it to fit, but it's in.  Making sure the tip is at the same angle as the other wing I marked the first hole to be drilled on the top and drilled that off the wing since the fiberglass gives too much to do that first hole.  After that one is cleco'ed on I did one on the bottom and then you can start working your way out one or two holes at a time: Drill through the holes into the fiberglass with a small bit, ream out to the right size, insert a cleco and then go to the next one or two holes.

Working out from the center...

And they're all done!

Tip off to clean up the inside of all the debris and deburr all the holes.  Next will be to pull the wiring through the tip and solder all the wires.  Then the tip is riveted on!

  1. Composite wing tip riveted to wing and light installation.
  2. Use epoxy filler to fill between the composite top and wing.
  3. Test fit of aileron and flap, with likely adjustment of the aileron to line up the trailing edges.
  4. Fill rivets - most done already...
  5. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling (waiting to hear back from the factory on what to do with that hole).
  6. Finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  7. Fill rivets of elevator.

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