Saturday, July 23, 2016

1.5 hrs. working on miscellaneous fuselage tasks.

It occurred to me today that the factory should take pictures of all over the fuselage (and wings), both up close and further back so that the builders can more easily confirm part locations and orientations.  Maybe even better (and easier!) would be a video that goes over the whole fuselage (and wings), coming in close and taking in the bigger picture.  It would have to be done at several stages of the build so everything can be seen.  Can you do it factory?  Maybe I'll do it on the quickbuild 4 that will be at OSH. :-)

I measured the wing spar thickness so that I can make a piece of wood to fit in the fuselage main spar to ensure it remains sufficiently open while I rivet it.  22mm

Time to put in the magnometer mounting piece.  I'm going to put it a bit further back than the instructions show since I expect my plane to be a bit nose heavy.

First hole marked and punched so the drill bit doesn't wander.

First hole done.

All holes drilled, sized (chucking reamer bit) and deburred.

And it's in!

I didn't notice that the left and right brackets which go over the gear mounting channel are actually not the same.  See the notch at the top of it?  Should that be at the rear (as here) or swapped over to the other side and on the front side?  I ask because the holes don't line up all the great and was wondering if that's the reason.

I've posted about this before, but these rear seat stop parts don't line up...  What am I doing wrong?

Hmm...  This part doesn't lay flat.

The parts CF-BKT-023-L/R are not mentioned in the text of the manual, but are shown in the drawings.  They are the thick pieces shown which are attached with the black cleco's.

Correct location/orientation for CT-STO-001?  The holes on the sides don't line up with the ribs.



  1. Need to figure out what's OK to rivet and what I should hold off on...  I know I can't place the main spar until I get that part.
  2. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling.?? (to be done in "spare" time).

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