Monday, July 25, 2016

No work on the plane this week...  Been busy trying to catch with other things since I got back from my business trip and I'm also waiting for a shipment of parts from SA to arrive any day.  So, kind of in a holding pattern, so to speak...

In other news I'm heading to Oshkosh on Wednesday!!!  I CANNOT wait!

I'm going to do a live video feed on Facebook when I'm at the TAF booth (I'm going to give a tour of the Sling 4 that will be there) and I'm going to try and figure out how to post a link to it on here before I go live.  Can't guarantee it, but I'll try.  Even if I can't do it live here, I should be able to post a link to the video after it's done.

In any case I'll post a bunch of pics from OSH.

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