Thursday, July 28, 2016

Couple of days at Oshkosh!  It's been great!  Spending time at the TAF booth has been helpful.  I'll go back there tomorrow to talk about the wiring that has to be strung through the rear fuselage.

Me in the Sling 4!  I look perfectly natural in there, don't I!

She's a beauty...!

F-4 Phantom, workhorse of the Vietnam War.  Couple of them flew by today - they are freak'n LOUD!  Love it! :-)

Capt. Sully Sullenberger signing books.

Went to a couple of talks, one on basic spray painting and another on designing paint schemes.  Decision: I'm having a pro do the scheme, based on my ideas and I'm getting the plane professionally painted.  Too Much Work to paint it yourself!  In my humble opinion.  Tons of setup and prep before even getting to the painting.  No thanks.  And with all the proper environmental setup and equipment, it's questionable how much money you're really saving.

Shiny classic.

Gorgeous Waco.

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