Monday, August 1, 2016

Got back last night from Oshkosh and it was great!  Got to meet and spend some great time (love the airline pilot stories!) with Bob Zaleski (Sling 2 builder in FL) and his lovely wife Joan and also unexpectedly Simon K., a Sling 4 builder from Australia.  Also seeing and talking with the guys from TAF was really great.  Thanks to Jean and Mike for getting all my questions answered.  It really helped get me psyched up to finish my Sling!!

I went to a couple of seminars on painting and paint scheme design and came to the absolute conclusion that I do NOT want to paint my plane myself.  I'm hiring pros to do it for sure.  And I'm going to have a professional paint scheme designer work out the design based on my current design.  A big advantage of that is that they're able to generate the appropriate design specifications so that the paint shop can cut the masks.  At Oshkosh I hired the top scheme design shop, Scheme Designers and they should have a design in a few weeks time.

Also spent time figuring out some important electrical decisions.  Here's a list of the wiring that has to pass through the rear fuselage and all the antennas I'll need:

  1. Elevator Trim: 5-core wire
  2. Rear Strobe (top of rudder): 4-core wire
  3. Tail VOR Antenna (top of vertical stabilizer): RG-400 Coax
  4. Com 2 Antenna: RG-400 Coax, Rami AV-10 antenna on the top of fuselage
  5. Com 1 Antenna: RG-400 Coax, Rami AV-17 antenna on the bottom of the fuselage
  6. ADS-B In/Out, Transponder Antenna (blade type): RG-400 Coax, Rami AV-74 on the bottom of center fuselage
  7. GPS Antenna: Wire tbd, Rami AV-801 on top of center fuselage (two of these?)
These wires will be separated from each other as much as possible for noise considerations.

Some more pics from Oshkosh:

Me, Mike Blyth, Bob Zaleski and Joan.

Prescott Pusher.

The new SAM from Zenith.

A classic Piper Comanche.

At the seaplane base.

Back to work on the plane tomorrow!

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