Tuesday, August 23, 2016

2 hrs. working on the elevator torque tube friction and starting to install the CF-BKT-019's on the landing gear channel.

Here's what the friction of the elevator torque tube was like before any modification:

Some grinding with my Dremel.  Took a few trials to grind them all down enough so it was virtually friction-less.

Two of the 3 were in good shape, but the last one in the middle of the fuselage took some time.  You can see here what the issue was.  A bunch still needed to come out in the upper right area.

And here's the after video.  Much better!

This is where CF-BKT-019 goes (not shown in the manual).  Had to ream out the holes in the landing gear bracket to 4.8mm since that was the hole size in 019.  Reamed them all out so tomorrow I'll clean and prime that part, make sure it's OK to install at this point and if so, rivet it in place on both sides of the fuselage.  EDIT: DO Not rivet or bolt at this time!  That's done later with the skins (and maybe other pieces) in place.

  1. Make dimensionally correct dummy wing spars to insert and bolt into position in the center fuselage so that the slot and it's uprights are properly spaced when it's being riveted into position.  Do this while the main spar is not cleco'ed to anything so that it's free to move.  This was recommended by various people so that the side skins don't buckle when the wing is finally installed (I saw this on the Sling 4 at OSH).  DONE.
  2. Fix landing gear uprights.  I have to reverse brackets that attach to the uprights. DONE.
  3. Redo rivets in rear cone.  I have 1 short vertical line of rivets that need to be up-sized to match the other side.DONE.
  4. Rivet rudder cable guides in place. DONE.
  5. Run wires through rear fuselage (see paper note #3). Peter's 6-8-2016 entry.  DONE.
  6. Fit aux. luggage floor gusset (needed for original rearward seat location?)  NOT INSTALLED FOR MORE REARWARD BACKSEAT LOCATION.  See above.
  7. Fit rear seat backrest stops for rearward location (see paper note #7).  See Gordon's 4/3/2016 entryCLECO'ED ON.
  8. Rivet main spar control and autopilot brackets (pg. E2).  Some holes should be drilled out to 4mm.  DONE.
  9. Ream out landing gear holes to proper size before main spar is in place. DONE.
  10. Install RF-ANG-019 Luggage Floor Support (see paper note #4). Peter's 6-13-2016 entry.  CLECO'ED IN PLACE.  <== THIS ISN'T CORRECT.  SEE BELOW.
  11. Do I have the flap actuator on hand?  Check the inventory list too.  Shown as "Back Ordered" on inventory list and can't find it in my inventory.
  12. Grind down all the bushing brackets for the various torque tubes.  STARTED on ELEVATOR TORQUE TUBE.
  13. Install CF-BKT-019-L/R on landing gear box.  RIVETED and BOLTED LATER.
  14. Clean and prime 019 and keep cleco'ed in place.  It will be riveted to the fuselage skin.
  15. Install elevator control stop on the torque tube (see paper note #2).  Peter's 5-4-2016 entry.  And 1-7-2016 entry.
  16. Cleco antenna plate for COM1 on top of rear fuselage.
  17. Install stops on servos.
  18. Install pushrods to servos (Loctite).
  19. Install servos and connections (see various paper notes).
  20. Rivet gear mounting channel before main spar is in place.  But, don't rivet to floor as that will have a cover installed later.
  21. See paper note #6.
  22. Deburr, Clean and Prime next batch of parts.
  23. Install luggage floor cross brace.
  24. Install RF-LGN-303-C-C-O as seen on Peter's 5-17-2016 entry.
  25. Where do these parts go?:
    1. RF-BKT-023-L/R
    2. CF-BKT-027-L/R 
  26. Install joystick control column.  See Peter's 5-13-2016 entry.
  27. 12mm hole in joystick support assembly.  See Peter's 5-2-2016 entry.
  28. Connect control stick brackets to main spar (Loctite)
  29. #8 locking rings for torque tubes?  See Peter's 5-4-2016 entry
  30. See Gordon's 4/3/2016 entry concerning flap torque tube installation.
  31. Test fit and rivet all control torque tubes (pg. E9).
  32. See Peter's 5-18-2016 entry on the control bushing mounting bracket install.
  33. Complete any work on Pg. E3/E4 of the fuselage manual (main spar & undercarriage channel).  Including drilling some holes for the 4 triangular parts that go under the main spar.
  34. Back seat floor support part.  See Peter's 5-17-2016 entry.
  35. Pg. E6 Forward Floor Sub-structure.
  36. Pg. E8 Center Console & Rudder Pedal Base.
  37. Center fuselage bottom skin riveting.  Some holes need enlarging to 4mm.
  38. Work on parachute box and rear bulkhead (pg. B6/D5)
  39. Fit elevator pushrod through rear fuselage.
  40. Longerons/stringers/rails of center fuselage (pg E12)?  Other work before join?
  41. Test fitting of forward fuselage side skins.
  42. Rear/Center Fuselage Join 
    1. Heads up: Need room to rivet 2nd longeron from the top on the center fuselage, so next one below shouldn't be installed until that is done.  See paper notes: #1, #5 and #8.
  43. Luggage support/strengthening channel - See Peter's 7-20- 2016 entry and 7-15-2016 entry.
  44. 5mm rivnuts for rudder cable springs.  See Peter's 7-15-2016 entry.
  45. What's the part on Peter's 6-13-2016 entry (middle picture)?
  46. Flap actuator bolted before riveting - investigate further.
  47. Do NOT rivet the outboard seat rails (pg E11).  See Peter's 4-26-2016 entry.
  48. Sound proofing installation. 
  49. Put BNC connector on RG-400 cables.
  50. Luggage floor installation (See pg. D4).  Don't forget RF-ANG-019 parts.
  51. Parachute box installation related (pg. 4).
  52. Make sure you understand where various spacers go in the center fuselage skins.
  53. CF-ANG-026-C-A goes on the bottom of the firewall.  See Peter's 8-20-2016 entry
  54. Rear top skins on at this point?
  55. Luggage door frame (pg. D6/D7).
  56. Work out the complete electrical system diagram.
  57. To be continued... ;-)

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