Saturday, August 27, 2016

2.5 hrs. grinding down the holes that the elevator control tube and flap control tube pass through and contemplating some other things.

Also, I've moved the Task List to its own page so that it's easier for me to edit.  You can get to it directly from the link at the top of the page.

You need to grind down the holes that the tubes pass though so they don't pinch the bushings and inhibit the tube from turning freely.  I did this a few days ago for the elevator torque tube in an incremental manner, but I wanted to be smarter about it this time.
My first thought was to create a template that had an outer diameter that matched the groove diameter of the bushing, but this seemed to be tedious...

The next approach was to just take that groove diameter measurement and check all the holes with the brackets in place.  They all clearly needed grinding (I used a "flap" type sanding attachment for my Dremel).  So I did that for all of them.  Now this approach doesn't take into account if the holes are not perfectly lined up, so we'll see how it fits once I put the tubes back in.  That will have to wait until I receive the elevator control tube from South Africa.

I took out the outer ribs as I made my way into the center so I could get the Dremel in there.

 I noticed that these two sets of parts have strangely similar part numbers...  The ones on the left were the ones I was looking for.  They will go on the elevator control tube (once that arrives).

I want to put grommets into the holes that the rudder cable passes through and found these grommets that are just the right size.  But....  while they're plastic-ish rubber I don't think they're as tough as good edge grommet so I'll probably replace them.

Contemplating my servos...  Discovered I need to order some AN3-10A bolts as I don't have enough.

See the updated Task List here.

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