Sunday, August 28, 2016

2.5 hrs. drilling holes in the joystick supports and installing the elevator autopilot servo.

According to Peter's blog the factory now drills holes in the joystick supports, so here I'm locating where they'll be.  I don't think there's a required precise location, so I just eyeballed where Peter put them.

Pilot hole.

Drilled out and a test fit of a grommet.

Factory-provided CAD drawing of the Garmin servo install.

Lots of washers!  A couple of different sizes (AN3 and AN4) so note that.

Loctite 243 applied and here I'm testing the Friction Drag Torque before calculating the final applied torque: 28 in-lb (from table for AN3 with lock nut) + 4 in-lb (FDT) = 32 in-lb.

Starting to put the mounting bolts in when I realized...

That I hadn't riveted one of the mounting brackets yet so I could take the assembly out to do the two bolts for that bracket much easier than trying to do it in place.  Don't forget the Loctite 243 and proper torquing.

But, the two remaining bolts have to be done in place.  The top one wasn't so hard, but the bottom one.... was a bitch... Still got it on though with the Loctite 243 and the proper torque. ;-)  At this point I riveted in the right bracket and it was done!

Other side view.

I updated the task list.

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