Monday, September 19, 2016

1 hr. discovering that I made a small mistake and, is my aileron servo upside down?...

Here I'm holding the aileron servo pushrod and it clearly goes well past the crank of the joystick.  Hmmm...

This is the way (I thought) I saw others mounted the servo.  I think flipping it would fix this issue.  Did I see it wrong on other builds??

Placing the channels on the front section...  I quickly realized that I shouldn't have riveted those triangle pieces...  Dumb mistake.  Well, I'll have to turn it back on it's side to derivet.  I'll rivet the channels in place when I do that.  Except the outer channels which connect to the side skins too.

Placing SKN-007 it becomes clear that they go under the main spars (right?)...  Good thing I hadn't riveted it in place yet.

You can see that more clearly in this picture.

The two small Channel 11 pieces will need to be trimmed down if there's any hope of getting them down inside the spar.

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