Sunday, September 18, 2016

3 hrs. misc. work on center fuselage.

Riveting the floor ribs to the front of the GMC.

After riveting I found that the flap tube was a bit tight and here you can see why.  A little bit skewed to the front.  So more filing of the front of the slot (with the closing rib on).

With that done it was time to enlist the family to help put the center fuselage on it's side to rivet from the bottom.

Other side view.

View inside the GMC.

The holes in the aileron stops are 4mm and the skin is 3.2, so here I'm reaming it out to 4.

And it's done!

Other side view.

Time to put on the triangle thingies...  Note that each had a hole which needed to be drilled though the skin.

Done and riveted.  I held off on riveting the hole closest to the main spar since I wasn't sure if that might get in the way of positioning the spar.
Full view on the topside.

Down and the main spar in place.  I may need to remove the flap tube one more time in order to rivet the floor ribs to the main spar.  Also, my aileron servo pushrod seems too long so I'll need to investigate.

Front view.

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