Saturday, September 17, 2016

3 hrs. finishing up the fitting, working on the front elevator stop and starting the next stage of riveting in place the floor ribs in front of the GMC.

Did some final filing and the tube fittings are done.

Took out the outer ribs so I could work on the front elevator stop install.

You can see the gap I had to bridge.

Using my handy Tight Fit drill extension to drill the ribs.

The drill with the extension.

Fabricating the shims.

Shims made.

Shims in place and ready for reaming out to size and riveting.

And they're riveted in place!

Ribs back in to rivet to the front of the GMC.  Tomorrow will be riveting the ribs to the GMC, the final check of the tube fitting and riveting all the closing brackets in place.

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