Friday, September 16, 2016

3 hrs. starting to rivet the floor ribs to the gear mounting channel and continued fitting of the elevator and flap tubes.

For the front elevator stop I needed to grind away some metal to make room for the rivet.  Still need to make some shims and drill the holes through the ribs.

Because of the flange banging to get the GMC to fit under these ribs the alignment with the heavy metal piece (I forget the part #) was not that great so it took lots of cleco's and coaxing to get the best alignment of the holes.  Still needed to ream them out though.

All the rivets that can be done at this stage are done.

The holes into the front of the GMC also didn't have great alignment.

Wise to keep the main spar away from the action so you have room to work.

I checked the flap tube installed and it was still binding so I took off the end bushings to see the spacing.  You can see the misalignment of the flap tube with the slot.  Need to grind the backside (both sides of the fuselage).

Like this...

Got the flap tube to turn easily, so now it was time to work on the elevator tube.  You can see here the front side needs grinding.  It was actually worse than this because you can see I forgot to cleco the flange to the GMC.   The procedure was to do this then take out the tube and grind the hole.  Then try again...  It takes several iterations..  At least for me it does...

The manual shows this closing rib on the other side of the floor rib, but it can't go there because of the heavy piece already in place.

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