Friday, September 23, 2016

2 hrs. working on the luggage floor, putting the center fuselage down and discovering a dumb mistake...  Ugh..

Umm, doesn't quite fit...

What it should rest on is 65mm.

But, the inside of this is a bit less than 60mm.  Which is right??

The support channels are riveted under the floor and here's a quick check of the fit.  Looks good.

Since I'm not sure of the front part (see above fit issue), for now I'll just have it cleco'ed on (it's probably easier to fit without that attached anyway.

How the parachute box fits on the luggage floor.

The center fuselage back down...

I put the floor on and the joystick supports and quickly realized a mistake...  Grrr...  Two short channels (one for each joystick support) are reversed.  They need to face the other way so that the joystick support can be riveted to it.  It wasn't clear in the manual and they fit as I attached them, but it's still a dumb mistake.  The good news is that it's only 10 rivets and I can do it without have to put the fuselage on it's side.

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