Thursday, September 22, 2016

2.5 hrs. inserting CF-CHL-011 (tiny channel pieces) inside the main spar and constructing the parachute box.

Noticed this misplaced hole in the bottom skin.  There's an empty hole in the main spar so I'll have to drill through the skin so I can rivet it.  I'll fill this misplaced hole.

Promised photo of the top side all riveted in place.

CF-CHL-011's riveted in place.

Starting the parachute box.  Manual calls for M4 rivnuts, but M3's fit and the holes in the connecting part fits M3 screws.  Used Loctite 277 as called for in the instructions.

Parachute box construction.

Other side.

One side of the box on.

Both sides on.

I don't have the rocket tube (comes in the finishing kit?) so for now I'll just screw on the cover.


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