Wednesday, September 21, 2016

4 hrs. working the forward center fuselage.

Moved the main spar back out of the way and removed the aileron autopilot pushrod which was confirmed by the factory to be the wrong size.  Also checked the torque of the main spar bolts and marked them with "torque seal."

Main spar cleco'ed back in place and up on it's side again to start riveting parts to the forward center fuselage, including the main spar.  Had to first de-rivet the 4 triangles I had riveted yesterday...

Cleco's and rivets, cleco's and rivets... ;-)

Other than the 2 small channel pieces which go inside the main spar, it's all done!  The outer channels are not riveted until the side skins go on.  I'll post a picture tomorrow of the other side.

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