Tuesday, November 29, 2016

1 hr. on seat rails (really 30 min of real work and 30 minutes contemplating my navel.. :-)).

You have to snip off the end of the plastic sliders for them to fit flat.

Assembled and ready for countersinking.

Checking out my inventory of countersunk rivets.

You need all the sizes!

This is the countersink bit I've used before, but I've not been happy with it.  It "chudders" and it turns out (in looking at the comments on Amazon for these types of countersink bits) that it's a common complaint.  I'm going to try this to see if it's better (the commenters say it is).   Arriving Friday, so I'll let you all know.


  1. Not sure Craig, but I think you should use a 100 degree countersink. The One you intend to use is only 82. This places all the load to a very small ring area of the countersink rivets and the seat rails may become loose in time.

    1. Thanks! I'll return the one I ordered and I've ordered a set of 100 deg countersinks. Really appreciate the heads-up.
