Monday, November 28, 2016

1.5 hrs. on the backing plate section of the center fuselage, center console skins and seat rails.

Put in the last center fuselage section of soundproofing with a minimal cutout for the antenna backing plate.  Left just enough room to be able to slide a washer under the plate for the two mounting holes.  Here I show how I'll do that - by attaching a washer to some painter's tape and sliding it under the plate.

Got my aileron autopilot pushrod from SA, so I'll be installing that soon (along with the other pushrods of the CF).

Test fit of the center console skins.  Seems that people don't put these on until later to allow access for putting in the wiring, rudder cables, etc.

Test assembly of the seat rails.

Looks like the ends of the plastic slide plates need trimming.

All together now..  Confirming with the factory all the holes which need countersinking.

Where the left side left rail will go.

Both left side rails in place.

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