Sunday, December 18, 2016

3 hrs. on pushrod related stuff.

Tricky working in these tight spaces.  I think the manual should be changed to have the builder install all the rose joints before these parts are assembled.  It would be way easier to install.

Working it through.  Like a surgeon...

My trick to installing the washers (2 together here).

I took out the elevator pushrod from the joystick so I had a bit more room to work.

Aileron autopilot pushrod installed and I slid in the cross-fuselage pushrod.  This isn't in the fuselage manual at this point - Is there any reason I shouldn't connect this now?  Seems way easier to do now than much later.

Time to rivet down the torque tube sleeves.  Using a clamp to hold it in place while I drill.  I measured so that the torque tube is centered.

Pilot hole drilled.

I put one rivet in each sleeve first, then it was easy to do all the rest.  All done!
Notice I put duct tape facing up under each place I did the drilling.  Makes cleaning up way easier.

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