Saturday, December 17, 2016

Well.... I've been wanting to work on the plane, but it's been too darn cold...  Woke up yesterday and it was 3 degrees out (-16 C).  The highest I could get it in the garage with 2 portable heaters going was about 40 degrees (~4.4 C).  Too cold for me to work in there.  If I can get it to mid 50's I can work, but less than that, forget it.

Tomorrow should be much warmer so I'll definitely work on the plane and try to get a bunch done.

Had a unexpected and nice visit from Jordan of TAF USA yesterday.  He checked out my build and took a bunch of pictures and a video.  Nice to see him!

Until my next post, here's a picture of me doing a happy dance while on vacation in St. Croix last week.  I highly recommend that island! :-)

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