Monday, October 9, 2017

1 hr. testing my new method of rivet head filling.

This was the recommended product in Kitplanes Magazine, which I had to go to a Sherwin Williams store to get.

This was enough for the whole rudder.

I basically just injected each rivet head directly from the syringe.  Not a perfect procedure, but pretty close.

I found that I could simply wipe the rivets off (dry paper towel then with a wet one) and it looks to me like I won't even need to sand them off.  Bonus!
If the first pass didn't fill them (like the rivet on the left) you can refill any that need it.

Looks pretty good!  One simple shot, some wipe downs and no sanding!
Now before I go ahead and recommend this approach I want to do some further testing to make sure it will look good after drying and painting.  When I've done that I'll create a special page for doing this method.  I hope this works because it is ridiculously fast....

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