Sunday, October 8, 2017

2 hrs. finishing up the rudder tip and stringing some wiring.

Filling the tip further with filler worked perfectly.  The tip is now perfect.

Wiring up the light and documenting it for later.

Put some medium strength thread lock on the M3 x 25mm screws and tightened it down.  Nice!

And it works!

I'm going to try a different way to fill rivet heads.  I don't know why I didn't think of it before but I think simple spackle would be better than either Bondo (toxic and have to mix) or epoxy filler (even more mixing involved) to fill rivet heads.  I thought of it because this month's issue of Kitplanes Magazine compared all the available spackles for experimental airplane use.  No mixing!  I'm going to order their recommended spackle and try applying it with this syringe.  Once I test it out and it works as expected, I'm going to create a new blog page just for filling rivets.  I'll have all the info you need to do it on that page.

This is what I'll use for sanding the rivet heads.  Quick test today showed it's an easy way to sand off the rivet tops.

Panoramic view of the fuselage.

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