Thursday, December 7, 2017

1 hr. scoping out the parachute box and rear top skins assembly.

The manual indicates that the holes in the bulkhead attaching the tray to it need to be drilled.  It says to tape it to the bulkhead and drill, but I think it would be better to cleco the top skins on to make sure the skin and tray holes line up before committing to any drilling.

Looking forward.

The manual only indicates that the line of holes on the tray need to be dimpled, but I know looking at other blogs (and some fuzzy photos in the manual) that many more need to be dimpled.  I know I can figure it out, but does anybody have a good photo showing all the holes that need to be dimpled in this area?

Better not forget to put longerons 2R and 2L in place before putting the skins on...

Other side.  Pretty excited to get these skins on finally!  After these I'll get the center side skins on and it will look way more airplane-like. ;-)

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