Saturday, December 9, 2017

1 hr. trying a test fit of the left rear top skin..

I've been reluctant to try the test fit because I know that I have to dimple a whole bunch of holes on the skins and ribs.  Since the manual doesn't tell you much about which holes to dimple I've asked the factory for a diagram or photo.  I know other builders have figured this out, but I'm too lazy to have to "figure it out."  Frankly, I shouldn't have to figure it out...  It should be in the manual...

When they get back to me I'll post it here (and on the factory photos page), so other builders don't have to figure it out...

Anyway, my brief attempt to fit it didn't go great as it buckled up along the bottom edge.  I'm hoping a more methodical cleco'ing strategy will result in a better fit...  Maybe from the center out will work better.  I'll try tomorrow...

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