Tuesday, December 26, 2017

1.5 hrs. on misc rear fuselage items.  Not shown below is that I vacuumed out and wiped down the rear fuselage in preparation for putting on the rear fuselage skins.

Brrr..  20.5 F (-6.4 C) outside and 47.8 F (8.8 C) inside...  Just barely acceptable to work in for me...

I think it's safe to rivet the tray to the parachute box now.

Checking that all the flanges are lined up with each other.

A little bit of faceting in the tight turn on the last rib at the back of the fuselage.

We can fix that.

Riveted (triangular piece that I'm not sure of the part number) this piece to the rib.

It's thick metal so I countersunk those holes that will be covered by the blowout sheet.

Some more holes dimpled and I might be close to having them all.  We'll find out when I put the skins on.

I decided I'm going to put some insulation on these vertical surfaces since that's exposed to the back of the fuselage which is not insulated.  The rear passengers legs will be here, so warmer would be better.

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