Sunday, December 24, 2017

2.5 hrs. fixing the elevator pushrod passthrough and more dimpling on the rear skins and ribs.

Towel down to keep the area clean during the surgery.

Drilled out, so now we're ready to trim down the channel so it doesn't touch the pushrod.

Using a Dremel the bottom has been ground down.

With the bottom riveted back in place (using larger, 4.8mm rivets) I use a thin strip of sandpaper to round and smooth the plastic.

Much better!  Now, even without any grease, no more screeching (and almost no friction) when I move the joystick.

With the grease on it's smooth as silk.  Nice!

Time to figure out more dimples...  I lined up both rear top skins to help figure out what needs dimpling.

The parachute blowout skin in place.  All rivets under that skin must be countersunk.

The edges marked off.

Placing the blowout skin on the ribs it's apparent that more holes are dimpled than necessary (despite the factory photos).

I flattened a few out.

More dimpled now, but there are some holes that I'm not even sure what they get riveted to.

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