Thursday, December 7, 2017

Latest update to the panel design.  Moved the choke and cabin heat handles away from the parachute handle.

I think this is the final design.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This looks awesome mate. Is this IFR capable as well?

  3. Thanks! Yes, this panel will be fully IFR capable and compliant. The FAA requires a certified navigator for it to be IFR compliant and the Garmin GTN-650 meets that requirement.

    LOTS of redundancy in my panel! :-)

  4. Yeah I like the double redundancy you've got on your panel page. Seems like a similar set up to what I would want to do. I would probably use 2 G3X screens instead of the iPad though. I don't think the apps for the iPad are as good here in Australia as the US

    1. Yeah, I'll be using ForeFlight which is a great and talks both ways to the Garmin units. With the synthetic vision (and flight planning and nav of course!) I'll have with ForeFlight, the redundancy is great.
