Sunday, January 21, 2018

1 hr. hosting my EAA Technical Counselor Bob DiMeo.

Two recommendations:

  1. Put some protection on the wires passing through the ribs of the fuselage.  I had previously tried to put some edge grommet on but I found it near impossible.  So, if you're not at that stage I recommend putting it on before any assembly makes it difficult.  Instead I'm going to squeeze some of my plastic conduit around the wires and push it into where they pass through the ribs.  He was totally OK with that.
  2. A few rivets that go into the forward-most fuselage rib were not seated well.  This was because it was basically impossible to get a riveter head in there and they had to be done at an angle.  I will try to remove them and try again.
Other than those items he said "very nice."  Works for me!

Bob taking a close look.  He said to get in touch again when I've installed the engine, which I'm rough guessing will be in May or June realistically.  Of course I'm an optimist... ;-)

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