Saturday, January 20, 2018

1.5 hrs. doing some riveting and misc. other things.

My EAA Technical Counselor is making a visit tomorrow morning (last time was when I was working on the wings - so it's been awhile!), so I didn't want to put on the other top skin yet.  So, I busied myself with a few other items.

Did the 4mm rivets (I upsized these holes from 3.2mm) in the back.

Getting the right side ready for the skin.  Removed the cleco's and vacuumed out the inside one last time.

Riveted down the left side rear seat stop bracket.

Did the edging on the right side top skin.

Located all the parts for the luggage door assembly.  Need to prime these parts tomorrow.

An artsy view of Crosby in his favorite position.

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