Sunday, January 28, 2018

1.5 hr. cleco'ing the right rear top skin, riveting down the parachute box and fiddling with the luggage door assembly.

Starting to cleco down the right rear top skin.

My helper Greg, my younger daughter's significant other.

Cleco'ed down....

But the holes for the left and right do not line up...  Here in the middle of the rear...

And up front, even worse...  Should I have cleco'ed from these holes down?  Anybody have experience with this?  Top down work better?

Time to rivet down the bottom of the parachute box.  The holes connecting the box to the rear luggage wall still need to be drilled out and riveted.

There's a shim that is supplied to fit behind here.  JimP in his blog indicated that it was not thick enough so I tripled the thickness, but that still does not seem to be enough as you can see it still pulls in...  I'll try another layer of shim.

The manual indicates (visually, not in any words) that this shim goes on the outside of the skin, but it seems to make sense that it goes under it like this.  Anybody?

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