Saturday, January 27, 2018

3.5 hrs. Protecting the wiring better and starting on the luggage door.

I got the nylon plastic tubing, but I thought that I didn't even want the tubing exposed to a sharp edge.  So, since there was no way I was going to be able to get edge grommet in there, I decided to be a bit creative to make my own easy to install "grommet."  Just a piece of aluminum that I could insert and bend around the edge.

Nylon tubing protecting the wiring and my homemade grommet bent into place.  Perfect!  Did this for every place wiring (or static line tubing) went through a rib, which was 12 places.

The manual doesn't mention it but you have to bend this internal backing material to conform to the fuselage outline.  If you don't it will pull the skin in and it wouldn't look too good.  So, how to bend this to conform (not as easy as it looks).

OK, I must say, after 20+ minutes of finagling it, I got it pretty perfect. ;-)

With the next piece in there to confirm the fit and still perfect.  Tomorrow I'll have some family help me put on the right rear top skin (I did a final check today of the static line and it was perfect).

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