Friday, February 9, 2018

1 hr. riveting.

Time to upsize these holes.  First drilled and reamed out to 3.2mm...

...then every other out to 4mm.

In case you think reaming doesn't create a lot of debris...

I used duct tape to get it out (then I blew out the remaining debris).

With that done I decided to rivet down the antenna plate.  Here I'm starting to put in the M4 rivnuts (with 277 Red Loctite).

But, I discovered after 2 pulls that my M4 mandrels on the puller are striped...  You can tell when you go to pull the rivnut and it pops really loud.  I ordered replacement M3 (that one was striped too) and M4 mandrels here.

Even though I only had two rivnuts in, I decided to see what the antenna will look like once it's installed. Nice!  :-)

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