Saturday, February 10, 2018

2.5 hrs. misc. riveting.

Finished up all the upsized riveting in the rear.

And all the countersunk rivets around the parachute box opening.

Looking good!

Now it was time to finally rivet the parachute box to the rear bulkhead.  I don't know if they've changed it (I don't think so), but there aren't holes in the bulkhead, so you have to drill those out.  A bit tough to get in there, but not so terrible.

This side all drilled and reamed to size.

And riveted!

This side is a bit tighter to get into, so to make it easier I used my long drill bit.

I used a manual riveter since the pneumatic wouldn't fit.  You have to be a bit of a contortionist to pull these rivets...  My back is still aching a bit...
Tomorrow I'll work on the back seat support brackets and luggage door.

Had some fun today before working on the plane - I flew a 737-800 simulator!  Here I'm landing at LaGuardia Airport in NYC (my hometown!).

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