Sunday, February 11, 2018

3 hrs. on the back seat support brackets and luggage door.

Right side riveted in place.  I'm holding off on riveting it to the rib until I know how the interior skins fit here.

Left side.

Had to file down the hinges tab on the side that fits in the fuselage to get it to fit.

First test fit.

Seemed to get the best fit required the door to be a bit up and against the hinge on the left side.

Right side there was a gap to the hinge end.

Even with that it was a tight fit on the left side.

Taped it down to start the drilling and reaming process.

 After drilling and reaming the holes it was time to check again.

Looked good, so I riveted the hinge to the door.

Before riveting it to the fuselage you have to bend the door to match the curvature of the fuselage.

Here's what I had to bend to.

First attempt at bending...  Didn't work well.  The door is very thick...  I'm going to need more leverage.

This worked way better.

Bending...  Pretty hard pulling required..

Getting better...

Kept bending it at various points, higher, lower...  Lots of back-and-forth with checking and bending.

The final bending at the top edge was more easily done using this tool.

Perfecto!  Should be even better once I get some thin rubber gasket to go around the edge on the inside.

Now it's ready to be attached to the fuselage.  Taped in place.  Drilled, reamed and cleco'ed from the center out.  Then I took all the parts out and deburred all the layers and cleaned out all the debris.

Riveted in place and looking good!

Two bends...

Good enough for government work. ;-)

The instructions don't tell you how to install the parts...  Some of this I can figure out, but I don't want to damage the wrong part with the washer that has sharp prongs on it.  So, internet friends, how are these assembled?

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