Saturday, April 28, 2018

2 hrs. mostly on interior skins.

2 rivets I forgot about (1 on each side)...  Yanking that cleco out was a bit hard....

...  Hey, metal is sharp... :-O

That flange (and some more probably) will have to come off as it blocks access to the wing bolts.  Meanwhile, many of the holes were not lining up for this front interior skin.

But, wait... I have a newer rev of that skin, maybe it's better...?

Nope, holes way off...  As compared to the older rev...

Still off, but better than the newer one.  New holes will have to be drilled to line up with the holes in the channels.  But, honestly, I have no idea how to locate those holes.   How do you do it??

Putting in the rear interior skin for a test fit (though this apparently goes in later).  Is it supposed to bulge out over that upright or should there be a slot cutout there?

Not sliding into place in the back, so some cutting will be needed there too...

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